Review: The Falls, Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Rating: 3 out of 5

‘The Falls’ ended up completing the story begun in ‘The Runabout’. As little as I liked that story, I was enjoying this one until the true horror of what the author was describing got to me—this was rather close to the end, though already some two thirds of the book there are suggestions as to what has happened.

I guess this means the book is good or even very good, if it causes emotions that affect the reader in a strong way. Yet, if I don’t like it—don’t like what the author posits the characters could do or would do—then the craft has missed me.

I don’t understand yet where or who of the main characters stays at the focus of the Fleet storyline, so this also seemed to focus on characters who we would not see again, although I could be very wrong about this. I guess we’ll see.

Given Ms Rusch likes to do new things with her titles, I’m not particularly worried this storyline will repeat itself.

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