This is not actually a review of the book but the dedication I saw in there today, for two reasons. Firstly, aside from counting the book as one of the very good, I cannot remember much of the style and appearance to be able to review it properly. Secondly, the dedication is amazing in itself.
Here you go:
For those who were there and are not. For those who were there and are. For him. But most, for her.
And if you take into account the story in a prison camp run by a ruthless group of people from where return is not certain at all, I believe that this dedication is a very heartfelt prayer to everyone there and home. For indeed — if a person fell and was confirmed, the people home knew of that fate. In a prison camp though, who could tell the folk back home what was happening….
But most, for her.
I guess I could add: For those who kept faith.