Bowes Castle

Bowes… another one of the landmark castles one can see from the A66, Bowes is less imposing than the others (Brough and Brougham Castles). Nevertheless, Bowes has a special place in my heart, and that is because it reminds me of an indomitable symbol of the Borderlands.

Bowes at sundown

This picture has clear symbolism towards Hermitage. Now, no doubt this is more incidental than purposeful, but Hermitage is absolutely beautiful, and the same applies here. The image of the lone sentinel standing guard above its area is always appealing to those with a poetic mindset, and so it is here as well.

I cannot say much more about this one, though I’ll note that even as the site has Roman origin from when it controlled the Stanmore Pass. The castle saw usage in the 12th and 13th centuries up to the Scottish Wars of Independence when it was of significance, though already in 1341 the castle was in a state of disrepair.

While a part of me laments to say this, these old giants sometimes look better in their disrepair. The sense of the poetic, to which I must once again resort in this post, is so much better served by that.

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