Review: Boneyards, Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Rating: 5 out of 5

I’m finding the Diving series incredibly fun. This major installment was more colourful than the previous novellas although this was mostly observable in trying to understand how the entire set of characters worked together. This book itself focussed on Squishy who wasn’t my favourite character by any means in the previous titles, but Ms Rusch made her live here. That said, I was occasionally confused by the constant time jumps (now, twenty years ago, five years ago, now, ten years ago, etc).

Meanwhile, action also contained on the side of the Lost Souls Company and it was interesting to see them visit some Sector Bases—which I would really like to learn more about!—although it could have been nice if Coop had actually given the briefing intended to describe the Boneyard. Right now, it seems that the characters know so much more than the reader does and this doesn’t really serve a good purpose.

I really enjoyed this and I’m going to continue with the next one.

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