Rating: 4 out of 5
The series’ sixth installment continues much as before although with a slight change to the previous narrative structure (only one conflict here though it lasts for the duration of the book). The (often dark) humour of the previous episodes continues here much as it did elsewhere, but I am in general less happy with this one — mostly because these novels really play out as a more complex level after the previous one, and so on in an endless series. If you took this to the logical conclusion, this might never end.
This conclusion is nowhere in sight by the end of the sixth book and I am kind of wishing it was. It’s not that the action is bad — it’s quite continuous in its level: fast-pace and enjoyable — but the sort of philosophic remarks that the people have made since Book 1 have been quite continuous throughout, and therefore start to become a little bit over-the-top. I was never reading this series for the philosophy, however.