A few calculated days later so that I could make my post on a overdue time that’s not too long when I get back to the UK in April.
Previous “time-interval” goals:
- カタカナ reading improvement : Yes.
- ひらがな reading improvement : Yes.
- one Cpt. per week from Heisig’s book on 漢字 (this means, Cpt’s 4, 5, 6 and 7) : Yes.
- reading through that story which began so promisingly with “こんな夢を見た。” [Author: Natsume Soseki, Title: The First Night] : First two paragraphs.
- listening to that same thing a few times over : A few, quite literally.
- more music : Yes.
I can’t say I did too well, but it’s something. Demands too much concentration and I’ve started to use my other languages more for some odd reason (:P) so effort has been rather divided.
In any case, excuses are mere excuses (still useful).
Next “time-interval”:
- Read [Author: Natsume Soseki, Title: The First Night]
- Listen [Author: Natsume Soseki, Title: The First Night]
- Re-check some chapters in that good book which I’ve temporarily lost sight of (grammar and usage)
- More music//New artists
And let us continue!